Nothing exciting to report on the riding front. I rode to town and back yesterday - which is about a twenty mile trip. Whoopee. And it's all flat too - rail-trail. Boring. But it saved having to take the truck in and putting miles on it and burning up gas....
One thing I got when I went to town was a computer for my bike. Although its far from fancy it is still the fanciest bike computer I have ever owned. Current speed, average speed, max. speed, pacer (tells you whether your current speed is higher or lower than your average), clock, odometer, ride time and (the one that I haven't ever had before and could prove interesting) temperature. Yipee, now I can quantify my suckiness.
My plan is that since John and I are going to be doing it together and aren't going to be able to ride together (except at Christmas when we go for a visit) that it might be a good idea to compare riding times and distances. This is so we can shoot reasonably similar paces and one of us (probably me considering how much John has been riding and how much I haven't) isn't way behind the whole time. He might say that he's older and has pretty much no experience actually riding in a race like Arrowhead. Bullroar. He and I rode together this summer and he kept right up. And plus I've been smoked both years that I've done it by the 60 something Lindsay Gauld. (In case you don't remember who John is he's Jenny's dad, my future father-in-law who, by doing the race has obliged me to wear viking horns)
I was going through my old posts and my brother commented on the one where I posted my write-up of my experiences in the
'09 Arrowhead. He asked if I had written anything about my experiences in the '04 Susitna 100. Well better late than never I guess. I stumbled across it in the computer today, so, very belatedly, here's a reply to Jedd's comment:
Keep in mind that this was written while I was going out with someone else then. Jenny is who I'm with now (and will be marrying in less than a year!). Jess (my now-ex) and I did it together. (though I should set aside my ego and tell you that, as you'll read below, she had to slow down a bit to let me keep up. She's had a good race and finished second.) BTW if you want to see the full results from this race
go here. Anyway, here's my writeup of the '04 Susitna 100:
We had rented a vehicle to take down to
because we weren’t sure our car would
make it. We’d
put so much time and energy into this
race that we
wanted to get to the starting line! So
Jess had
reserved a mini-van for us to take.
Well, Jess called
to confirm our reservation and found
out that they had
rented all the mini-vans out and we
were stuck with a
Ford Excursion. Not cool. So we had
to drive a
strange, very large vehicle all the way
to Anchorage,
which had some very low points (one of
which was at
the gas pump).
So we got to Anchorage and went to the
meeting (this was all happening thurs.)
and gear
check. Gear check went smoothly except
my headlamp
had somehow been switched on at some
point. Since it
was impossible to tell how long it had
been on (it was
on inside my duffle bag) I had to take
an extra set of
batteries. Required gear: -20 sleeping
bags, stove,
8oz. fuel, sleeping pad, tent or bivy
sack, fire
starter (we took lighters), flashlight
or headlamp,
3000 calories of food (we took butter
and some sort of
breakfast grain stuff). We also took
other food but
the rules state that you have to leave
the last
checkpoint with 3000 calories of food
and we found
that butter had a lot a calories and
was light
(vegetable oil is lighter but can you
imagine the mess
it could make?). Ditto with the grain
The forecast for the race was not good,
especially for
us coming from Fairbanks where we had
been riding in
below zero temps for three months. The
called for highs in the 30’s and
possibly some precip.
It didn’t call for temps dropping
down to zero at
night (more on this later). Sure
enough, we pulled up
the starting line and it was snowing
hard. It was a
wet heavy snow too. We checked in and
got our gear
ready (most of the gear readying had
taken place the
previous day) and made use of the
port-a-potty which
is all customary pre-race activity.
The start was
very non-exciting. Everyone lined up
willy-nilly and
they counted down and started. The
reason it was so
boring (or would be for a spectator)
was because
everyone knew they had 100 miles to go
and were
starting slowly.
Big Lake to Flathorn Lake: 25 miles
The race started on an ice road going
across a lake
(Big Lake). The ice was glare ice with
a small amount
to wet snow on top of it so it was very
slippery (and
I crashed 3 times before I decided that
I didn’t care
if it was faster to ride on the ice, I
was going to
ride off to the side in the packed down
snow so I
didn’t fall and break my [insert any
bone here] which
would finish my race almost before it
started). The
race continued across Big Lake for a
couple of miles
before moving onto another couple of
lakes. Luckily
these lakes weren’t so damn slippery
and I was able to
ride them with little fear of death.
By now it was so
warm it was raining and I was
overheating. Even worse
than me overheating were the trails
overheating which
were soft and getting softer all the
time which made
it hard to ride and at times riding was
Immeditely after riding across the lake
we rode
through a swamp for a while and then
twisted through
an upland wooded section then it was
back into the
swamp the upland along a seismic line
(long, wide,
straight path cut by a bulldozer) which
were full of
moguls from snowmachines. This was a
long haul to the
first checkpoint. At one point I had
to push through
miles of trails in a swamp that were
too soft to be
ridable. Obviously I would bore you if
I tried to
recount the whole distance. Suffice it
to say that
the transition from biking to running
(or walking) was
VERY frustrating. It was here, also,
that I had my
nearest near death experience. I
almost choked on a
candy bar while running through a
swamp. It took four
hours and 15 minutes to get to the
first checkpoint.
I was expecting it to take a little
more than two.
Flathorn Lake to EagleSong Lodge: 21
More of the same. A lot of pushing
through soft snow.
After we crossed the Susitna River the
trail is along
the old Iditarod Trail (it’s so
twisty and tight that
the mushers complained and their trail
was diverted to
the Yentna River, which we would be on
later) and
would have been a helluva lot of fun if
we had been
able to ride our bikes for any
appreciable amount to
time. But we couldn’t. It was here
that skiers
started to pass the bikers (when you
have to push a
bike through soft snow you become a lot
slower than a
skier). I thought that I was never
going to get to
the next checkpoint. When I finally
got there I met
up with Jess (she was kicking ass and
was 3 or 4
minutes ahead of me) and we decided to
ride together
the rest of the race since we were
going almost the
exact same speed. After staying there
(Jess ate half
of a cheesecake that she had been
carrying here, ha
ha, that was funny) for 15 or 20
minutes we left. As
it happened we were starting the worst
part of the
trail and it was almost dark but we
didn’t know that
yet. Actually we though it was going
to be good since
the trails had been firming up since
sunset (cooler
EagleSong Lodge to Luce’s Lodge: 9
Except about ½ mile we had to
push the whole way to
Luce’s. The snow was too soft to
even think of
riding. It had been (and still was, at
this point) so
warm that I would overheat even if I
was just wearing
an earband so I was bareheaded. Along
this stretch we
were passed by four skiers and one
biker who was
pushing faster than us. Most of the
time we pushed
with our headlamps off, which was lucky
(more on this
later). At one point after we had been
pushing for
well over 2 hours we met some
snowmachiners that were
roving the course to make sure all the
racers were all
right. We talked to them a bit and
asked how far it
was to Luce’s. They said “four
miles” we smiled and
nodded but were thinking “we’ve
been out here for 2 ½
hours already and we’ve come barely
halfway? This
sucks.” They were mistaken (in about
an hour we were
sitting inside Luce’s; this was the
first time we had
sat since 8:30 in the morning) but we
had no way of
knowing that then. We couldn’t
really do anything
except keep on keeping on (in the words
of Joe Dirt).
Luce’s Lodge is on the Yentna River
and we had to
cross the river to get to it. When we
dropped into
the Yentna River valley the temp
dropped about 20
degrees and my rear derailleur froze up
from all the
wet snow that had gotten on it in the
first 50 miles.
I didn’t think that it was really a
big deal. Luce’s
was close and I had a can of de-icer
along. I used up
the de-icer but didn’t get the
derailleur moving which
was sort of a big deal since I now had
a single speed
bike and almost 50 miles to go. I
shrugged my
shoulders and we went in to the lodge
and ate and
rested a bit. It was good to sit for a
while because
our feet hurt quite a bit from walking
(which we
weren’t expecting and weren’t
prepared for) so did
most everything else by this point but
just not as bad
as the feet. It was here while we were
eating M&M’s
and sour worms that we got word that
the first skier
had finished! Finished! and we had
almost half of the
race to go!
Luce’s Lodge to Flathorn Lake: 21
We had an uneventful trip down the
Yentna River (we
were going to opposite way that the
Iditarod mushers
would be going in about a week) though
it was 9 miles
and we had a headwind at this point and
the temp was
dropping which made Jess’s derailleur
freeze too.
Then we intersected the Susitna River
and biked for 3
more miles on it before turning left
off of the river
and heading back to Big Lake. After we
turned left
off of the river we were going the
opposite way on the
trail were had used on the way out to
EagleSong (are
you looking at a map of the course? I
would recommend
it). Going through the “dismal
swamp” (the name of
which you’ll only recognize if you’re
familiar with
the course description) we saw an
amazing display of
the aurora but by then the temp. had
dropped and we
couldn’t stop to enjoy much because
we’d get cold fast
(keep in mind that we were still
dressed for 35
degrees and it was nearly 0 by this
point). We could
ride virtually everything now that it
had frozen but
we had only one gear and that the
runners who were
behind us on this trail on their way
out to EagleSong
this morning had left deep footprints
in the then-soft
snow. Their footprints had then frozen
and now we
were getting the crap pounded out of
everything. But the points that were
getting it the
worst were the points that contact the
actual bike.
We got to Flathorn Lake soon enough.
The checker
there was awesome she had soup ready
for us and
cookies and chairs in her warm house to
sit on. The
guy who had won the race last year was
there and we
chatted with him (he’s from Fairbanks
too). The guy
who got second place last year was
zonked out on the
couch. It seems we weren’t the only
ones who had the
wind taken out of our sails by all the
hiking. While
we were there the first runner came
through. He
checked in only long enough to fill his
water and take
off. Kind of humbling. Here is a guy
who had run 75
miles and still had 25 miles left and
was still going,
still running, he wasn’t walking. We
put on a few
more layers and pedaled away after 30
minutes or so.
Only 25 miles to go!
Flathorn Lake to Little Su: 12.5 miles
Not much exciting happened here. We
continued to get
pounded by the trail when we could
ride. Some of the
hills were steep and we could barely
walk up them they
were so icy. Others weren’t so steep
but we couldn’t
ride them because we didn’t have low
enough gears. We
passed the “Nome, 1049” sign and
two miles later
(distance was very relative to us at
this point) we
came to the checkpoint to the Little
Susitna River.
This checkpoint was a wall tent with a
snow floor. We
stayed for a bit but didn’t warm up.
We were both
shivering when we left.
Little Su to Big Lake finish: 12.5
The frozen footprints in the trail
continued. And so
we continued to get pounded. The trail
here was
twisty and bumpy until we were spit
back out onto the
chain of lakes that we started on and
were about to
finish on. Now is when Jess’s
headlamp went out with
mine to follow soon. But it was
starting to get light
by this time and the trail was now wide
and flat so we
didn’t need them. Good timing. Now,
I had been
thinking about the finishing stretch
for the last
couple of hours (remember how it was so
slippery when
we started?) but luckily it was all
rideable. By this
time a significant portion of my body
was in pain but
my hands hurt the worst. All the
pounding had pinched
a nerve in my wrist and my hands went
numb. When
they were numb from the pinched nerve
they got cold
and I had to get off and walk several
times across the
lake in sight of the finishing line so
I could get
feeling back in my hands. We were on a
lake and could
see the finishing line from a long ways
off. Think
desert oasis. It was a very long
section to say the
least. We crossed the line in a tie at
23 hours and
38 minutes.
Hallucinations? I had a few very mild
I would think that I saw a snowmachine
headlight out
of the corner of my eye and when I
looked it would be
nothing. It was all stuff that I
thought that I saw
out of the corner of my eye but really
wasn’t there.
Fatigue? I was, of course, very tired
by the end of
the race. My biking muscles weren’t
really all that
tired though considering the situation.
Things that
really slowed me down were the trail
and how badly my
body hurt from being on the trail for
so long.
Pulling an all nighter caught up with
me several hours
after the finish when I crashed on the
floor of Amy’s
(Jess’s sister) apartment.